Using Digital Signage Technologies in Sanitization Kiosks
Sanitization kiosks are a relatively new concept in the food service industry. These kiosks are used to help consumers pick and select the items they wish to place in their refrigerators, and then load the items into their refrigerators with sanitization solutions for sanitization purposes. The idea is that the items will be fresh and uncontaminated when picked, and therefore will not present a threat to consumers. The goal of sanitization kiosks is therefore to prevent food poisoning from occurring in an unfortunate situation. Here are some of the safety protocols often used with these kiosks.

These sanitization kiosks work in various ways. In one method, sensors detect a foreign object in the food. Based on the temperature of the food, a special chemical is injected into the object. This causes it to release sanitizing solutions into the food, thus preventing the growth of bacteria or other dangerous microorganisms. The methods used for these solutions vary from one type of sanitization kiosk to another.
One example of sanitization kiosks is one in which water bottles are placed into a small compartment. The water bottles are then sealed and locked. When a person places their water bottle into the compartment, a low level laser light activates the liquid sanitizing solution. When the light turns on, a robotic arm moves the bottle back through the compartment and into a stainless steel cup. This process is repeated four times, each time the bottle is replaced into a separate cup.
The makwana company’s website talks about the many ways in which customers can benefit from sanitization. One of these methods is through the use of disposable plastic drinking cups. This method of using reusable water bottles is called the double-lock closure. When a customer places a disposable plastic water bottle into the front compartment of one of the machines, the lid locks automatically shut with no manual effort required. This ensures that the valuable plastic will not be disposed of.
Another popular method of sanitization in this industry uses digital displays. In the safety-line machines, a digital display located above the pump station displays the amount of sanitizing solution still in the tank. The same technology is utilized in the hand sanitization kiosks found at malls. Here, signs pointing to the receptacle bin are displayed so that customers can pick up the needed product.
For malls, there are also sanitization kiosks using temperature scan tablets. These tablets use a handheld infrared thermometer to determine the temperature level of liquids. A computer determines the appropriate speed for the machine’s rotation. Once the temperature scan reveals that the temperature is adequate for food preparation purposes, the appropriate speed is set and the machine begins rotating.
Sanitization kiosks have also incorporated digital signage technologies. In malls, the latest technology is called the temperature scan tablets. These devices are similar to the ones used in temperature scan cards but the former does not require manual re-opening. The advantage of using digital signage technologies is that there is no need for labor to manually open or close safety-line machines. Since the entire operation is automated, there is no more need for employees to operate them.
All of these kiosks provide a way for a business to comply with local regulations regarding food service and create an efficient sanitization process. These devices help ensure that there is a constant flow of sanitizing solutions throughout a facility. Kiosks allow businesses to achieve cost savings through reduced re-opening costs, increased productivity, improved customer service and compliance with local health codes. While kiosks alone cannot solve every complex sanitization problem, they can certainly help to make the process more streamlined.